Kimia Zanjan Gostaran Company, producer of lead and zinc concentrate, was established in 2007, with the aim of meeting the needs of domestic markets and access to international markets. After the adoption of the constitution, board of directors and statutory auditor elected and the company incorporated under No. 7083 ,as a private company in Zanjan on 04/08/2007, and began its operation in practice.
A prominent feature of the company is utilizing the latest technology and to optimize communication with experts and reduce waste and increase efficiency.
The company has a nominal capacity of 250 thousand tons of zinc concentrate and 50 thousand tons of lead concentrate.
The project was launched with 115 billion rials credit and produce zinc concentrates of more than 24 ingots manufacturing plants.
The company has the capacity of 500 person for direct and indirect jobs, and is one of the few industrial centers that in construction, has been addressed terms of accuracy and attention to environmental issues.
The company is considering following issues to develop and manage their human capital to run their programs:
1- Participating company’s directors in Strategic Management Conference.
2 – Continuous training and empowerment of employees, according to the company’s development.
3- Continuing special education for various sectors with the aim of increasing productivity.
4- Creating the incentive payments surpluses, especially for the quality.
5- Developing new incentive regulations and updating previous regulations.
6- Qualitative reconstruction of the organizational structure aimed at agile and reduce costs.
7- Respectful social relationships at all levels of enterprise.
8- Expanding usage of information technology in all organizational levels.
9- Increasing production efficiency with reduced costs.
10- Improving systems and methods of operational working practices within the framework of ISO standards.
11-Optimizing energy consumption per unit of production.
12-Monitoring and evaluating the activities and performance in grades 3, 6, 9 months and one year.